Unrealistic Expectations for gunfighters

Unrealistic Expectations for Gunfighters

I think that there are misconceptions across the preparedness, self-defense, and shooting enthusiast communities that are not just concerning, but most are downright deadly. We as a community tend to overestimate our capabilities, we neglect things we should not, and overall, we focus on one thing vice the branches and sequels.

Allow me to explain

We as a community tend to overestimate our capabilities as gunfighters. I do it, and I would bet that 90% of those out there do it too. We assume that because we can shoot a ragged quasi-hole at 15 yards, we are good to go, and we shoot that one box of ammo through our gun and go home. That is understandable to some extent, we proved to ourselves under perfect range conditions, with environmentally controlled conditions, at a known distance. But we feel good. But I doubt the would-be bad guy is going to stop at 10 yards and hold still. Realistic training, with multiple targets, and unknown ranges, in varied light will give you a much better training experience and help to bring your own perception and our reality much closer together.

Neglecting things is not something we tend to do. Sometimes it’s not changing the oil until it’s way overdue, not mowing the lawn, or fixing the dishwasher when it was just a “few drops of water”. One of the major ones I see is weapons maintenance, from everything from cleaning your firearm to often-forgotten things like making sure your magazines are checked. Even if you have not taken your gun to the range, you need to check it and clean it often, especially if you have cheap holsters that lock in the moisture. It is hot as hell out in most places still, so that sweat hits your firearm, and I have had guns rust in the dry deserts of Texas to prove it. I have not had that issue at all since I got my Original Holster because it covers the weapon and still breaths.

Finally, we as a community fail to look past the initial imagination of the “encounter”. That could be from the bad guy coming into your house at night (why is it always at night) and winning the day. But most of us don’t account for anything but that. What happens if it is at noon, and you are in the kitchen, and your kids are in the living room? Do you have your gun on you? If you carry in your Original, you might, but most people would have to retrieve their gun (it’s in your nightstand on your side of the bed, isn’t it)? What if you get hit, or a family member does, can you render aid? Do you know how to put on a tourniquet, or how to do basic first aid? Have you taken that course ever? While you can’t prevent everything, some things you can prepare for. For example, have you ever tried to see your pistol sights in the darkness? I have, and I had to change out the sights and got a light the next week…can’t shoot someone if you have no idea where the sights are.

These are just a few things I have noticed. What have you noticed? What do you think we as a community are lacking?

Author: Ian Bolser