Why You Need A GOOD Holster

When we get the money for a new firearm, we are quick to get many things. First might be ammunition, to practice with it (if we can find it), then a myriad of “cool” gadgets from lights, lasers, optics, different sights…but we tend to neglect how we intend on carrying that handgun. There are several reasons why I think a good quality holster is the most crucial consideration. Still, the three main ones are daily carry, retention if in an altercation, and positive weapons control.

The first one may sound obvious, but how many people carry daily? Do you drive with it in their preferred carry location, and if not, where do you put it? In the center console? Is it concealed or open carry? On a more practical note, if you are using your gun like many people in the woods, do you have the ability to engage the weapon easily, or do you put it in your
bag as a just in case? A holster, especially a good one, gives you an option to have the weapon easily within reach for any situation that a gun owner might face. Also, it allows for the unrestricted use of a firearm owner’s hands.

The second reason is the retention of your firearm if in an altercation. I am using the term altercation liberally, applying it to both with another person/animal or in a situation that would result in you not being on a stable platform. To address threats from humans and animals, studies show most altercations result in at least one or both parties being on the ground. In that situation, knowing your sidearm is secure and not either out of reach or within reach of your adversary is crucial. How many movies have you seen where the protagonist is just inches away from their knife/gun when it would have provided them an advantage and stopped the threat? The second situation would be akin to hunting and losing your footing down a steep slope, falling in a stream, rolling an ATV, or anything that might prevent you from getting to safety quickly. If your sidearm is in a bag, it does you no good if it is way on top of the hill you fell from or somewhere in the river.

Finally, is positive weapon control. Maybe it is the 12 years in the military or seeing people lose a weapon in the bush, but I want to know where my firearm is at all times. If I am shooting at a range and I need to step back, I want that weapon on me, as I am ultimately responsible for everything that happens with it. The minute you set that firearm down and look away, you no longer have positive control of your gun. Additionally, it is far more challenging to have a gun walk away by negligence or theft if it is on your person. A good holster gives you that positive control and peace of mind that it is secured.

Also be sure to check out JM4 Tactical for your holster needs!


Author: Ian Bolser