Gun Buybacks: Worst Idea Ever

Gun Buybacks: Yesterday I got an email article about Tampa, Florida who was touting that they had bought back over 1000 firearms and “got them off the streets” during a recent gun buyback program. This to me is almost beyond comprehension as I watched the video, seeing more of Grandpa’s shotgun or hunting rifle than I saw anything else, which to me is way less likely to be used in gangland-style shootings, which I think might be the point of this whole thing?

Here is why these are so incredibly stupid, and why if you ever see one coming up, you should contact your local pawn and gun, post it on an online auction or sell it for scrap rather than participate in such an event.

First, every single one of those firearms, regardless of age is worth more than what they were offering. Each person who brought one in got $100 for their contribution. Even for the lowest-priced budget Walmart shotgun, you could get more for that on the market and it would still be in circulation for those who would treasure it. This also means if I did my math right that $10,000 in taxpayer money was paid out to these people. To pay for the storage and disposal of these firearms I would wager would triple that amount each, plus marketing/advertising, and overtime for the officers….this event easily topped $50,000 if not $100,000 for a total of 1000 guns, most of which are likely to be in closets, safes or generally not a danger to society. I personally would rather see that money used for more officers on the street, better computer systems, or meals for the homeless, but that’s just me.

The second reason that these programs are pointless is that there is nothing that incentivizes people who might be criminals to turn those in. Statistically, handguns kill more people than any other type of firearm, but even a Highpoint which is better used as a boat anchor than a self-defense weapon, is much more than the $100 offered. What’s more some of those family guns are heirlooms, ones that provided for their families during the depression, and now because of woke culture, they are likely to be destroyed. My grandfather used the same .22 rifle to shoot rabbits on his way to and from school during the Depression to feed the family, and I would be devastated if my child who gets that rifle one day destroyed something that literally made sure they could exist.

Third is that there is no evidence that these buyback programs actually curb any type of gun violence. In fact back under the Obama Administration, 82% of law officials reporting in said gun buybacks don’t work in reducing crime. So, what is the point of spending all that tax money, and the answer is it makes people feel good and gives the perception that crime will be reduced because of it. It is fluff, feel good. And the people making these events are less than knowledgeable about what is going on there, like the man from Missouri who sold 3 scrap metal firearms for $100 each as seen in the article below.

There are a ton of reasons why buybacks are a waste of money and even more reasons why you shouldn’t do them. If you decide that you need to get a firearm out of the house, check your local gun shops, pawn store, or local firearms enthusiast (guys and gals like me) as we will legally buy it off you, give you more money, safely secure it, and save you taxes from frivolous governments with no clue on what they are doing.

The man sells junk guns to a buy-back program and buys a new gun with cash

Also, be sure to check out JM4 Tactical for your holster & coffee needs!

Author: Ian Bolser