Fight With What You Have

Fight With What You Have – I talked with some of my prepper friends, and we joked about some of the crazy things we had bought to address the home defense issue. It was wide-ranging from night vision goggles, thermal, an AR that is literally as much as my wife’s car, and many other things. Unfortunately, the self-defense community, I think, tends to get hung up on gear a lot, and because of that, the hard-earned money they do have ends up going to costly high-end items that may or may not prove a benefit.

Fighting with what you have has been going on since the days of hurling spears and rocks at the other guy who wanted to take your woman or your animals. Sometimes you are left with sub-optimal gear, and you need to have the training and know-how to make that work to turn the tide. I have heard of some very clandestine forces being inserted into a country with a WW1 revolver and three bullets as their backup. Hell, just today, an article came out (maybe propaganda) about how a certain military force is sending conscripts into battle with rifles from WW2. Even in Afghanistan, it was not uncommon for military troops to be shot at with Enfield Rifles, Springfields, and Mausers. The bottom line is you got to make do with what you sometimes have, so spend that money on other things. I can attest a $2k 1911 from Colts Custom shop shoots pretty much the same as one that was $700 and several years older.

Another aspect of this is how much money do you want to throw at gear? I can’t justify getting new lights, goggles, holsters, and slings on my budget if something doesn’t work right. I am so glad I found JM4 Tactical holsters because I liked them so much it is all I used to carry, and I asked for a job because I like and believe in the product and the company.

Having carried a firearm, both concealed and not, across the US and in several foreign countries, this has been the one piece of kit I have not had to replace, sell or throw in my bin of “maybe I will use this sometimes gear.” As I wrote in another article, I have been slowly migrating my carry style as I practice more and lose weight, as well as I am more inclined to use a red dot sight, which my Original holster is cut for, so the same holster, same retention, same comfort but versatile. Additionally, I have had to move from my job numerous times, from the desert to the Midwest, from cold climates to scorching hot, so my clothes must change not only to be comfortable but also to fit in with the crowd. This is the ONLY holster I have used that I can wear with gym shorts, fatigues, with my hunting camo, or in sweatpants, which is fantastic as I don’t need a belt.

Use what you have and use your money wisely, and I can’t think of a wiser purchase than a durable and comfortable holster from JM4 Tactical.

Author: Ian Bolser

Holiday Shipping Schedule
  • RELIC Series Holsters December 2nd
  • Shoulder Holsters/Chest Rigs December 2nd
  • Two Step Pancake Holster December 2nd
  • Custom Magnetic with custom stitch December 9th
  • Custom Tuckable Magnetic Holster December 9th
  • Custom Exotic Magnetic Holster December 9th
  • Custom Blazen Magnetic Holster December 9th
  • Gun Belts December 9th
  • Standard Stock Magnetic Holster USPS by December 18th by 2pm Central
  • Standard Stock Magnetic Holster FedEx Express by December 18th by 2pm Central
  • Magnetic Sidecar November 22nd
It's Not Too Late