RELIC Series The Preacher IWB Tuckable Holster



Are you ready for a new take on a classic idea? The brand new RELIC Series The Preacher IWB Tuckable Gun Holster takes an already functional design and makes it better by stitching leather to the inside of a Boltaron polymer shell. This gives you a tactically silent draw that also protects the finish of your gun. Well not accommodate Revolvers 



The Preacher IWB Tuckable Holster –  New Silent Polymer IWB Tuckable Carry Gun Holster

Our new patent pending RELIC Series The Preacher IWB Tuckable Gun Holsters are designed to sit right where you want them and be consistently silent on the draw and re-holster. Each RELIC Series-The Preacher IWB Tuckable Gun Holsters stitches Grade A Hermann Oak Leather to the interior of a molded, US-Made Boltaron polymer shell.

The RELIC Series- The Preacher IWB Tuckable Gun Holsters  (shown above) is a functional masterpiece that is designed to be a tactically silent, concealed carry gun holster that is available in hundreds of different gun models.

So, whether you’re in the market for a gun holster to carry your Glock 43 with TLR-6 or are in need of an HK P30 holster, we’ve got you covered, no matter what.

We made a commitment to only use the highest quality materials in our gun holsters at every stage, which is why we use Grade A Hermann Oak Leather to protect your gun’s finish, and Boltaron Polymer which is stronger and more temperature resistant than any of the other plastics used in IWB gun holsters.

Each  features: The Preacher IWB Tuckable Holster

  • Strong Boltaron Exterior Shell
  • Soft, quiet Hermann Oak Interior lining
  • Safe, non-collapsible design
  • Ability to provide years of use
  • Limited life time warranty
  • Adjustable cant
  • Can be wore appendix carry or 4 o’clock
  • Can Tuck in your shirt

Unfortunately, this holster is not available for your gun model. Please consider looking at our RELIC series.

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